Tire Pressure - Check Often

This single and simple thing is perhaps the most neglected on all of our cars. Make it a habit to check your tire pressure once a month. It can save your tires, warn you that you have a leak, and save (some say) 5% on fuel use if they were real low! Check that spare tire too at least once a year! The space saver tires go low after a few years many are dangerously flat to use. Some air escapes through the rubber over time like it does with balloons and doesn't necessarily mean a problem if a lot of time has passed.

It's a WIN-WIN-WIN thing to do. Check for the correct pressure for your vehicle what the recommended pressure is and keep it there.

Tires are made to hold more than the cold recommended pressure but I still suggest a routine of checking them. a 40-60 increase in temp from last checked shouldn't be a monster problem as they are slowing losing pressure anyway. The real trouble seems to be the super hot weather and highway driving on a road you could bake a cake on! Just use common sense and check them. Happy and safe motoring, 

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