OK lets say you want to bring the life back to your cars shine and it wont cost you 3,000.00 or even 300.00. First look at your cars finish if it doesn't have any white cloudy peeled back shedding skin look your in good shape most likely you have a single stage paint but if you have base clear and your clear coat is alittle dull you can do this as well. Be careful not following these steps could remove your paint, First a high speed buffer and 3M Perfect it III compound Yes this gets messy. Make sure this is a circular buffer and not a rotary it just wont work.
Wash your vehicle and then dry or wet add a little bit of the 3M to an area of the vehicle making sure its enough to do about a 1'x1' square area until you become more familuar with the buffer. Use a low speed setting around 2 or 3 DO NOT USE ANY WEIGHT LET THE BUFFER GLIDE ACROSS THE SURFACE going back and forth to and fro. do this until the area is clean of compound you should see a BIG change in your cars finish if you do it right. Yes you can repeat this step over if the finish is not shining but be careful dont take too much paint off the vehicle even a body shop or expert detailer doesnt know how much paint is left on a car until he or she looks at it and tries a spot.
This is a secret of most automotive Paint or detail shops.

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